Holistic Treatment of Depression

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Holistic Treatment of Depression There are many emotional rollercoasters in life. Everyone experiences highs and lows. It's normal to feel happy and sad on some days.

Depression is not just a feeling of sadness. Depression is when you feel sad or depressed and it affects your day from work to sleep to free time to your leisure.

Depression can be a serious condition if you feel depressed all week and if you find it difficult to do the things you enjoy.

Depression can look different for different people. These are some of the signs:

  • Trouble sleeping or too much sleep
  • Even after enough sleep, you may feel tired or lacking energy.
  • Overeating or not eating enough
  • Trouble concentrating and making decisions
  • Even if you've done nothing wrong, feeling worthless and guilty
  • Feeling restless or agitated in the body and mind, or very slow.
  • Thinking about death and wanting to die

Depression can be described as a brain disease or mental disorder. The Holistic Sanctuary believes that depression is a symptom and not the source or cause of something deeper.

The Holistic Treatment Center for depression is a safe and welcoming place for people of all faiths and cultures. We are here to support you in your search for your deepest traumas, and help you rediscover your true self.

Depression is real. Recovery from depression is possible.

What is Non-12-Step Treatment? How can it reduce depression?

Non-12 Step programs are those that do not follow the 12 Steps. Non-12 Step programs may also be called "alternative" and "holistic".

Some holistic therapies may be something you are already familiar with. Many rehabilitation facilities offer complementary sessions like meditation or yoga in addition to traditional treatments.

Depression can affect our bodies at a cellular level. It has an impact on all aspects of our being, including the spiritual, mental, and emotional. To be effective in treating depression holistically, you must address all levels.

Who are at High Risk of Depression?

The unpredictable nature of life is a fact. Because of this unpredictable nature, many people will experience depression symptoms that last for a short time. If your symptoms of depression last for more than two weeks, then you might have clinical depression.

Many social and biochemical risk factors increase the likelihood of developing depression. These include but are not limited to:

  • Major life events: Any major change, even one that is positive, can lead to depression. Depression can be linked to stressors in life, such as moving, graduation, starting a new career, losing a job or getting married.
  • Genetics There is now scientific evidence that depression can be passed from one generation to the next. Your chances of developing depression are 25% higher if you have a relative who has suffered from depression.
  • Age According to the World Health Organization, the median age for depression in this country is 32 years. Half of people suffering from depression will experience their first episode before they turn 32.
  • GenderStudies have shown that depression is twice as common in women than it is in men. This could be due to the fact that women are more likely than men to seek treatment for depression.
  • Other conditions: People with serious or persistent medical problems, such as anxiety, ADHD, heart disease, chronic pain, cancer, or heart disease, are more likely to develop depression. Depressive episodes can also be triggered by certain medications.
  • Drug addiction or alcoholism: Someone who is dependent on drugs or alcohol may also develop depression. Sometimes, depression can lead to the misuse of substances. Other times, heavy alcohol and drug use can cause depressive episodes.

It is now known that depression can be more severe in those who have not dealt with trauma or other physical issues, such as inflammation of the gut.

Is depression a life sentence?

It can feel impossible to get out of depression, especially during the worst days. However, it does not have to be a lifelong condition. We believe that depression is just a symptomof something deeper.

It is not enough to be happy or get over depression. Holistic treatment begins with acknowledging the underlying cause of depression. Sometimes, the cause is biological. Sometimes it is a traumatic past that remains unresolved.

Whatever the reason for your depression , it can be identified, treated, and resolved. Recovering from depression is possible.

Other Treatment Options for Depression

Depression can be treated with antidepressants such as SSRIs, talk therapy (such as CBT), or a combination of both. The Holistic Sanctuary recognizes the importance of both psychotherapy and medication. We don't stop there.

To treat depression holistically, we combine conventional and alternative therapies to provide a transformative experience. The following holistic therapies are available:

  • Energy healing
  • Massage, bodywork, and trauma release are all options.
  • Yoga
  • Daily mindfulness practice
  • Activities for the community
  • Connect with nature
  • Brain health with organic supplements
  • Planning for recovery-focused nutrition
  • Evidence-based education in the science and practice of energy medicine and recovery

These science-based treatments are combined to create a personalized, continuous and highly effective treatment program.

What can diet do to help you with depression?

It is well-known that food can have a significant impact on our moods. This is supported by science. It makes sense that our diet can have an impact on our depression risk and our actual symptoms.

Research shows that high intakes of processed foods, such as fast food and guilty pleasures, can lead to increased inflammation. Your tendency to feel depressed or anxious is directly linked to inflammation in your body. Having a diet rich in foods that reduce inflammation and promote health can help lower your biological risk of depression.

A diet that is depression-healing consists of whole, nutritious, and anti-inflammatory foods like:

  • Strawberries, blueberries, cherries and oranges are all good options.
  • Vegetables, particularly leafy greens such as spinach and kale
  • Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna are all good choices.
  • Whole, unmodified grains
  • Coconut and olive oils

These "fake food" can also trigger inflammatory reactions that can lead to depression.

  • Red meat and processed meats like cold cuts
  • Refined grains
  • Sugar
  • Dairy products
  • Alcohol

How does regular exercise impact depression?

It is easy to release endorphins (or "happy hormones") inside our bodies by exercising. Exercise can improve our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Regular exercise and physical activity can help you regulate your mood and establish healthy routines. It can also boost your self-confidence.

Exercise alone is not enough to solve depression's root cause. Although movement can be helpful in relieving depression symptoms and releasing traumatized emotions, it is only one part of the bigger picture.

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